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Ausgabe #137 | Ausgabe #139

Ausgabe #138 vom 21. Februar 1999

@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight


Editorial [bs]

Tipp der Woche

Stoppok "Neues Aus La-La-Land" (Deutschrock) [pb: @@@@]

In aller Kürze

Curtis Mayfield On Vinyl [bs]

Curtis Mayfield "Roots" (Soul 1971) [mmh: @@@@]

Curtis Mayfield "Curtis - The Very Best Of..." (Soul - DoLP) [bs: @@@@@]

rec-order [mmh]

Neu erschienen

Steve Earle & The Del McCoury Band "The Mountain" (Country) [pb: @@@@]

Tim Hagans "Animation - Imagination" (Jazz - Drum'n'Bass and Trumpet) [sg: @@@@]

Herbie Hancock "Gershwin's World" (Jazz - American Classics) [sg: @@@]

Charles Lloyd "Voice In The Night" (Jazz - mit starken Folk- und Blues-Einflüssen) [sg: @@@]

Beaver Nelson "The Last Hurrah" (Folk-Rock) [bm: @@@]

Urban Species "Blanket" (Relaxte Fusion aus Downbeat, HipHop und Soul) [bs: @@@]


Red's Independent Breakfast [red]

Smog "Knock Knock" (Independent - CD) [red]

Cassius "1999" (House - CD) [red]

Sam Prekop "Sam Prekop" (Independent - CD) [red]

Frisch aus den Archiven

Curtis Mayfield "Superfly (OST)" (Soul 1971) [mmh: @@@@]

Frankie Miller Re-Issues [bs]

Frankie Miller "Once In A Blue Moon" (Blues-Rock 1972) [bs: @@@@]

Frankie Miller "High Life" (Blues-Rock 1974) [bs: @@@@]

Frankie Miller "The Rock" (Blues-Rock 1975) [bs: @@@]

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