1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Ausgabe #031 vom 13. Oktober 1996
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Tipp der Woche
Shawn Colvin "A Few Small Repairs" (Singer/Songwriter) [bs: @@@@]
In aller Kürze
Aktualität hat ihren Preis [bs]
Who is who [mmh]
Artikel [mmh]
Neu erschienen
The Boo Radleys "C'mon Kids" (Independent/Brit-Pop) [red: @@]
Counting Crows "Recovering The Satellites" (Rock) [pb: @@]
Marianne Faithfull "20th Century Blues" (Pop/Chanson) [bs: @@@]
Die Fantastischen Vier "Live und direkt" (Hip-Hop) [bs: @]
Fettes Brot "Außen Top Hits, innen Geschmack" (Hip-Hop) [bs: @@@@]
David Goldblatt "Facing North" (Jazz/Fusion) [bs: @@@]
The Heads "No Talking Just Head" (Pop/Rock) [gw: @@@]
The Lemonheads "Car Button Cloth" (Independent) [red: @@@]
Ellis Paul "A Carnival of Voices" (Singer/Songwriter) [pb: @@@]
Pere Ubu "Datapanic In The Year Zero - The Boxed Set" (Independent/Avantgarde) [gw: @@@]
Shiny Gnomes "Weltraumservice" (Independent) [red: @@@@@]
Shonen Knife "Brand New Knife" (Independent-Pop) [red: @@@@@]
David Thomas & Two Pale Boys "Erewhon" (Independent/Avantgarde) [gw: @@@]
Weezer "Pinkerton" (Independent) [mmh]
Pe Werner "Etepetete" (Pop) [gw: @@@]
Various "Black & White Hillbilly Music - Early Harmonica Recordings From The 1920s & 30s" (Folk/Country/Hillbilly Music) [bs: @@@]
Various "Blech" (Trip-Hop) [red: @@@@]
Frisch aus den Archiven
Johnny Cash "Man In Black - 40 Greatest Hits" (Country) [bs: @@@@]
Deep Purple "Fireball" (Rock 1971) [bs: @@@@]
Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Ellington "Ella At Duke's Place" (Jazz) [pb: @@@@]
Tim Hardin "Simple Songs Of Freedom - The Tim Hardin Collection" (Singer/Songwriter) [bs: @@@@@]
Nas "Illmatic" (Hip-Hop 1994) [bs: @@@]
Graham Parker "No Holding Back" (Rock) [pb: @@@]