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Ausgabe #134 vom 24. Januar 1999
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Editorial [mmh]
Tipp der Woche
Rae & Christian "Northern Sulphuric Soul" (Downbeatige Soul-Hop-Kreation für das nächste Jahrtausend) [bs: @@@@]
In aller Kürze
Beck "Mutations" (Independent-Chamäleon) [bs: @@@@]
Mail: Na endlich! [mmh]
Mail: Bravo! [mmh]
Mail: Re: Helge Feedback [mmh]
Neu erschienen
Astrid "Boy For You" (4 Pop-Perlen, 1 Monster-Song und ein annehmbarer Rest) [gw: @@@]
Till Brönner "Love" (Lite-Jazz aus deutschen Landen) [sg: @@]
Czech "World Mad" (Trip-Hop-Duo mit viel Chanson-Feeling ) [gw: @@@]
Lounge Brigade "Put Some Style In It" (Easy Listening) [bs: @@@]
Joe Lovano "Trio Fascination" (Jazz - fascinating) [sg: @@@@@]
Russell Malone "Sweet Georgia Peach" (Jazz -- a grooving session) [sg: @@@]
Timbaland "Tim's Bio: From The Motion Picture Life From Da Basement" (HipHop) [bs: @@@@]
The V-Roys "All About Town" (Country-Rock) [bs: @@@]
Various "Treasures Left Behind (Remembering Kate Wolf)" (Folk) [bm: @@@]
Frisch aus den Archiven
Al Green Is Soul! [bs]
Al Green "Let's Stay Together" (Soul - 1971) [mmh: @@@@@]
Al Green "I'm Still In Love With You" (Soul - 1972) [mmh: @@@@@]
Al Green "Call Me" (Soul - 1973) [mmh: @@@@@]