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Ausgabe #119 vom 13. September 1998
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Editorial [mmh]
Tipp der Woche
Cowboy Junkies "Miles From Our Home" (Pop-Rock) [gw: @@@@]
In aller Kürze
Lesermail: Ringo Starr [mmh]
Lesermail: Label-Angabe [mmh]
Puff Daddys Greatest Hits [bs]
Neu erschienen
Cinerama "Va Va Voom" (Pop-Culture) [gw: @@@@]
His Name Is Alive "Ft. Lake" (Independent-Patchwork) [gw: @@@]
Hole "Celebrity Skin" (Glamouröser Indie-Pop-Rock) [eg: @@@@]
Mangu "Mangu" (Latin-HipHop) [bs: @@@@]
Various "Have A Nice Decade - The 70s Pop Culture Box" (Pop) [bs: @@@@]
Red's Independent Breakfast [red]
Belle & Sebastian "The Boy With The Arab Strap" [red]
Swell "For All the Beautiful People In the World" [red]
Forever Sweet "Geben & Nehmen" [red]
Frisch aus den Archiven
The Kinks Re-Released & Re-Mastered [bs]
The Kinks "Muswell Hillbillies" (Rock 1971) [mmh: @@@@]
The Kinks "Everybody's In Show-Biz" (Rock 1972) [mmh: @@@@]
The Kinks "Preservation Act 1" (Rock 1973) [mmh: @@@]
The Kinks "Preservation Act 2" (Rock 1974) [mmh: @@@]