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Ausgabe #028 vom 22. September 1996
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Tipp der Woche
Eels "Beautiful Freak" (Pop/Rock) [gw: @@@@@]
In aller Kürze
Marktgesetz? [pb]
Artikel [mmh]
Who is who [mmh]
Neu erschienen
Billy Bragg "William Bloke" (Singer/Songwriter) [pb: @@@]
John Cale "Walking On Locust" (Pop/Rock) [gw: @@@]
Kula Shaker "K" (Pop/Rock) [pb: @@@]
Eleanor McEvoy "What's Following Me?" (Pop/Rock) [gw: @@@@]
Patti Rothberg "Between The 1 And The 9" (Rock) [pb: @@@]
Syd Straw "War And Peace" (Pop/Rock) [gw: @@@@]
Throw That Beat "Sex Tiger" (Pop) [pb: @@@]
Frank Zappa "Läther" (Rock) [pb: @@@@]
Frisch aus den Archiven
Miles Davis & Gil Evans "The Complete Columbia Studio Sessions" (Jazz) [pb]
Steve Forbert "Jackrabbit Slim" (Singer/Songwriter (1979)) [pb: @@@@@]
Tom Scott & the L.A. Express "Tom Scott & the L.A. Express" (Fusion) [pb]
Tom Scott & the L.A. Express "Tom Cat" (Fusion) [pb]
Tom Scott "New York Connection" (Fusion) [pb: @@@@]