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[ << | Inhalt | >> ]Ausgabe #656 vom 14.12.2009
Rubrik Feature

Inselplatten Shawna Caspi

Die kanadische Independent-Songwriterin Shawna Caspi hat uns ihre zehn Inselplatten verraten. Wer gerne unabhängige Küstler entdeckt, bekommt hier einige lohnenswerte Tipps:

  • Sarah McLachlan "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" – Brilliant writing, sparkling soundscapes for each song, from the days when there was still a spine-tingling raw beauty in Sarah McLachlan's voice. When this CD first came out, I listened to it every day.
  • Danny Michel "In The Belly Of A Whale" – Danny Michel always has a talent for songwriting and arranging, but this record goes from energy-driven rock to sweetly-crafted ballad seamlessly. Definitely a songwriting inspiration.
  • Emm Gryner "Asianblue" – It's hard to choose a favourite Emm Gryner record, among her stunning catalog of work. Catchy pop songs with real depth and thought put into the songwriting.
  • Craig Cardiff/Rose Cousins "Gingers On Barrington St" – This CD was recorded live at a shared show between these two indie singer-songwriters. Craig Cardiff's clever songwriting and live guitar looping gets highlighted here, while this was my first introduction to Rose Cousins' music. Which leads me to:
  • Rose Cousins ­"The Send Off" – Once I discovered Rose Cousins, I was hooked. This CD was just released in November 2009 and brings me to tears every time I hear it. Smooth voice, tasteful instrumentation, and really fine songs.
  • David Francey ­"Torn Screen Door" – When I want to remember what true, modern folk songs should sound like, I listen to this CD. David Francey's voice is golden.
  • Kevin Fox ­"Songs For Cello And Voice" – Haunting, heartbreaking. The simplicity of just two instruments combined through creative arrangements and beautiful songs.
  • Oliver Schroer ­"Hymns And Hers" – Oliver was a true treasure, making fiddle music unlike anything else I had ever heard. I believe this is his most tonal collection of tunes, really lush and joyful. He is greatly missed.
  • Great Big Sea ­"Road Rage" – There's something to be applauded when this band was four guys playing acoustic instruments, with a repertoire that largely included traditional Newfoundland folk songs, and that alone could get a crowd of people on their feet screaming. This CD captures the energy of their live show and is just plain fun.
  • Hawksley Workman ­"For Him And The Girls" – Hot, raw, wailing passion. And "Safe and Sound" might be the best love song ever written.

Permalink: http://schallplattenmann.de/a118580

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