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Ausgabe #107 vom 14. Juni 1998
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Editorial [mmh]
Tipp der Woche
Anouar Brahem, John Surman, Dave Holland "Thimar" (Jazz/Weltmusik) [gw: @@@@]
In aller Kürze
Lesermail: Jesus Lizard, Fugazi [mmh]
Stones over Germany! [bs]
Neu erschienen
Cryhavoc "Sweetbriers" (Schwermetall) [gw: @@]
John Fogerty "Premonition" (Ochsenfrosch & Rock'n'Roll) [gw: @@@@]
The Grassy Knoll "III" (Trip-Hop-Jazz aus dem Dark-Room) [gw: @@@@]
Brian Wilson "Imagination" (Pop Sounds statt Pet Sounds) [gw: @@@]
Various "Bar-B-Que - Soul-a-Bration!" (Soul-Food, Güteklasse A - ) [bs: @@@]
Red's Independent Breakfast [red]
Notwist "Shrink" [red]
Schneider TM "Moist" [red]
Girls Against Boys "Freak On Ica" [red]
Frisch aus den Archiven
The Band Sellout! [bs]
The Band "Music From Big Pink" (Rock 1968) [bs: @@@@@]
The Band "Stage Fright" (Rock 1970) [bs: @@@@]
The Band "Cahoots" (Rock 1970) [bs: @@@@]
The Band "Moondog Matinee" (Rock 1970) [bs: @@@@]
The Band "Islands" (Rock 1970) [bs: @@@]
The Band "Live At Watkins Glen" (Rock (rec. 1973/rel. 1995)) [bs: @@@@]