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[ << | Inhalt | >> ]Ausgabe #249 vom 25.06.2001
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Inselplatten Joe Peña von Greyhound Soul

Als ich Joe Peña nach seinen zehn "Inselplatten" gefragt haben, bekam ich eine so unerwartete Antwort, dass ich euch den O-Ton der E-Mail nicht vorenthalten will:
"I have about 15 CD's. The only one's I listen to are Harvest Moon, Time Out Of Mind and occasionally CASH. That is all I've listened to for the last 3 or 4 years. I can't tell you what my 10 favourite records are, 'cause I just don't know. I can tell you I like the Stones, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Dylan, Cash, Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, Janis Joplin, Waits, Sonny Boy Williamson, John Lee Hooker and the list goes on. Oh yeah, can't forget the great Hank Williams. He should be at the top of the list, the top of everyone's list." [dmm]

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